Frequently Asked Questions

What is is a multi-vendor e-commerce platform that allows businesses and individuals to set up their own online storefronts and sell products to customers around the world. 

How do I set up a store on

To set up a store on, you can simply sign up for a Vendor account on the platform and follow the steps to create your storefront. You can choose from various customization options to make your store unique and add your products to start selling.

What fees does charge? charges low monthly Subscription fees and low commission fees on product sales made through the platform, with rates varying depending on the subscription package. The monthly subscription packages for aspiring sellers are designed to allow the seller to expand their product category as their business grows, eventually, leading to the ability to sell an unlimited amount of products on the platform. 

What types of products can I sell on allows you to sell a wide range of low risk normally sold e-commerce products, from physical goods to digital downloads, home decor and more. However, there are certain products that are prohibited from the platform, such as illegal items, i.e Drugs, Drug paraphernalia depending on your state or country laws, fire arms, or copyrighted materials and anything deems inappropriate.. 

How does ensure the safety and security of transactions? uses secure payment gateways to ensure that all transactions are safe and secure. The platform also provides fraud protection measures to protect both buyers and sellers. 

How does handle customer service and support? offers a variety of support options for both buyers and sellers, including email support, live chat, Prudent Pioneers Community Forum, and we will eventually be bringing back live phone support seeing as how many companies have forgotten what that is. We are dedicated to providing fast and effective solutions to customer inquiries and issues. 

How does help me grow my business? provides a suite of marketing and analytics tools to help you reach a wider audience and track your store’s performance. The platform also offers resources and support to

help you succeed as a seller. See our blog article on “Why Laid-Off Workers Should Consider Starting An E-commerce Store On”.

Can I use my own branding on my store?

Yes, you can customize your store with your own branding, including your logo and color scheme, to make it unique and recognizable to customers. You can also get your own domain name and point it at your store domain and add masking. 

Is available in my country? is available only in the United States at this time but we hope to be in many countries around the world very soon. You can check the platform’s website for an updated list of supported countries and regions. 

How do I get started on

To get started on, simply sign up for an account and start setting up your storefront. The platform provides resources and support to help you get started and grow your business on the platform. 

Does offer shipping and delivery services? offers a variety of shipping options through its logistics partners and sellers can choose to use these services or handle shipping themselves. 

How does ensure the quality of products sold on the platform? has strict policies and guidelines for product listings, and also uses a rating and review system to ensure that customers have access to honest feedback from other buyers. Any vendors who offer counterfeit or products they know or should know are low quality risk being removed and forfeit their right to sell on the platform 

Can I have multiple stores on

Yes, allows sellers to create and manage multiple stores on the platform. However reserves the right to remove stores that lay dormant with no sales after 6 months of inactivity. 

What type of support does offer to sellers? offers various support options for sellers, including live chat, email, and phone support, as well as a knowledge base and community forum, information on state of the art affordable sales and marketing tools and training videos

How does handle disputes between buyers and sellers?

Chargebacks and inquiries 

When dealing with credit cards, at some point it’s likely you will need to deal with chargebacks or inquiries. When a cardholder has an issue with a charge on their credit card, they can contact their bank to dispute the charge. The bank then makes a chargeback or inquiry. The cardholder can be one of your customers or someone who believes that their card was used on your store without their permission. 

If the cardholder’s bank makes a chargeback, then the bank takes the disputed amount from you right away. The cardholder’s bank also takes a chargeback fee from you. If the cardholder’s bank makes an inquiry, then they don’t take the disputed amount or a fee right away. 

You can try to resolve the chargeback or inquiry in a few ways. Often, the company that issued the cardholder’s credit card reviews any evidence, and then resolves the chargeback in either your favor or the cardholder’s favor. If you win the chargeback, then you get the disputed amount back, and refunds the chargeback fee. If the cardholder wins the chargeback, then the disputed amount is returned to the cardholder.

How can I promote my products on offers marketing tools and resources to help sellers promote their products, including advertising options, video creation software, (Training videos coming soon) social media integration, and email marketing ideas. 

Does offer integration with other platforms and tools?

Yes, offers integration with various third-party platforms and tools, including payment gateways, shipstation, and more coming in the future. 

How does handle fraud and security issues? has strict policies and measures in place to prevent fraud and protect both buyers and sellers on the platform, including secure payment processing and fraud detection technology. Any intentional fraud detected will result in automatic removal from the platform and reporting to the appropriate authorities.

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